Some of my followers have pointed out that I haven't placed a post recently. I guess I didn't realize that I was that popular.
Well, I've been very busy in the garden. The perennial bed has been pretty much been redone. All of the plants have been dug and replanted. Next week, I will probably plant out the annuals that I started in the basement. First, I need to harden them off. I'll start that process tomorrow. Cal
eb helped me redo the day lily beds yesterday.
Today its raining, so I'll rest. ( I'm finding that it is a good pastime.) Still a lot of work to do, but the yard is coming along.
We started a new study in Sunday School - Intimate Marriage. It looks to be very good. I made an announcement in church and have had one response, and it looks like two more couples will start coming. Last Sunday, we studied what it means for a man to leave his family.Next Sunday, we will look at the woman's perspective.
Over the last three or four weeks we have had a male cardinal flying into the window in the dining room.
I would hear this thump, thump, thump, thump over and over again. I finally tracked it down to this male cardinal flying into the window. He would sit on the ledge of the window and jump up and fly into the window. He would fly off when I came into the room, but soon after I left, he would return with his thump, thump again. I thought that if I put some pictures of a hawk in the window that this would scare him off. I got on the computer and found a couple of pictures and printed them out. I taped them to the window and it seemed that it worked.After about an hour, I heard the thump, thump again. This time he was at the small window in the hallway. I put a picture in it too. Now, he went back to the dining room window.
Not to be stopped, I put a picture of a lion in the windows. This did not stop him at all. And so, he continues to bump into the window continuously. Both of the windows.
Why does he do this; you ask? My understanding is that he see his reflection in the window and is trying to chase it away. Cardinals are territorial; I guess. I know that he is building a nest in the tree in front of the house. ( In his spare time, when, he's not chasing himself.)
But he is only doing what cardinals do; you can't expect them to do anything else. Maybe that's where the term 'bird brain' came from. There is a spiritual lesson here if you can understand it.
What am I to know, though; I'm just a retired person.
Last week was a busy one with Glo and I doing some yard work. Unfortunately, we didn't get as much accomplished as we wanted. One never does at this time of year. The plants that I started in flats are doing very well. We are enjoying the daffodils that are blooming.
Glo went back to work today, which is just as well. The weather turned cold. It even snowed last night. Its suppose to be cold all week. So, no yard work today, and maybe not at all this week.
I have planned on having a men's night at home to watch the NCAA basketball final game tonight. But, I found out that the game doesn't start until 9:00 PM. So, I canceled it. (Although, I'll watch the whole thing, of course.)