Thursday, March 18, 2010

21st Century Power

Yesterday, as I was coming home, I passed a lot in our addition on which no one had ever built a house. However, I knew that the owner had sold the lot and had seen some activity on it last fall. Now, there was lots of activity. Trees were being felled and hauled off. How it was being done was very interesting and I thought that I would go and take some pictures. But, being a, I didn't get around to it. However, as I was going into Mooresville this morning, they were at it again. I stopped and asked if I could come back and take some pictures and the man that I talked to said yes.
So, here are some pictures of how things are done in the 21st century.
Draft Horses

Waiting to be hitched up

Pulling a log

It didn't look as though they were making much effort

Some things have to be done more 20th century

Beautiful animals.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Peas lettuce spinach and pak choi

Today, a sunny and  mild Wednesday, I ventured into the garden to rake back some of the leaves in places where I plant peas and lettuce/spinach/ pak choi so that the ground can dry out a bit. It was good being outside.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pussy Willow Song

Its that time of year again. This year I brought in some of the gang to sing a round of our favorite spring time song. (Even though its not spring yet.) (Sang March 14th)

 The Chorus (Minus One)

 Pussy Willow in Bloom

It's a fun song.  (Try it.)

I know a little pussy
Whose fur is soft and gray
She lives down in the meadow
Not very far away
She'll always be a pussy
Cause she's a pussy willow
Now what do you think of that!

Let the spring begin!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring is coming - 2010

Today, we have sun. A very welcome sight, since we haven't had much sun in February. The snow is melting off and thoughts of starting flower and vegetable seeds are occupying a lot of my thinking.

A view from the front window in late January

I received an e-mail from Burpee that my order has been shipped. I have one other order that needs to arrive.
Last years tomatoes were a bust. I found out that they were a bust for everyone in Indiana. But, that never deters a gardener. We are the most optimistic group of people that you'll ever find.
Last year, I started my plants in early March. That was too early, as I found out. The plants were huge by the time I planted them in the gardens. This year, I'm waiting, very anxiously, until late March or vary early April.
Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll put out spinach and lettuce. A good salad is on the way.
If you read this and are a gardener, may all of your seeds germinate.