Saturday, May 1, 2010


A number of years ago, a friend gave me a peony bush from her yard. I planted it in a flower bed, and it grew. However, I didn't like the color of the flower. But, I didn't do anything about it. However around five or six years ago, I did. I cut the thing down and dug up the root. Now, if you don't get all of the root, it will come back.
It came back the next year. I cut it down and dug up the root again. Two years later it came back. Now last year, I completely redid the bed. The major renovation involved raising the bed six inches. Before raising the bed, I dug out all the plants including the peony.
I redid the bed and it looked very nice last year even if I do say so myself.
HOWEVER, this spring guess who showed up? You guessed it.
 I'm incline to dig it up again but  because it has been is so stubborn, maybe I should let it grow.
What should I do? Keep digging it up, or live and let live.

I'm Baaaack!!


  1. Although it might not fit the flower bed's "color scheme," I say let the stubborn plant live another year... it's persistence should be rewarded. :) and it might grow on you. :)

  2. hmmm....although i might be late weighing in, i agree with becs. the plant isn't stubborn, it's tenacious!

  3. we need an update. i hear there have been many happenings in your life over the last month!

  4. Dear Mooresvillian.... this is your monthly reminder to update...
