Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spring 2013

Well, hello. No, I haven't died. Even though you may have thought so.
The reason that I haven't posted anything in a long while is:
1. Too lazy
2. Nothing interesting to post.
3. Too busy.
4. Forgot how and had to be retrained.
5. Just didn't want to. (Must be getting old and a curmudgeon.)
6. Other.
You can vote in the comment section.

I did get a chance to sing the spring song.
"I know a little pussy ......". The wife sang along with me. It was a marvelous duet. One of these days, I'm going to figure out how to post a video and let the uncountable numbers of you who read this blog listen in. Perhaps you will start the tradition yourselves. I can only hope. :).

A lot of things are going on:  spring clean up; remodeling the house (a real mess); helping daughter number 1 and spouse prepare their new house so they can move into it (and visiting the grand children.) There's nothing better than an arm load of grand kids. And lastly, getting ready to run (walk) a 5K race/walk at my wife's school. I'll try to post some pictures.

Remember Kamikaze Kardinal? Well he has a friend. I'll post about that soon.

1 comment:

  1. 6. Other
    You've been on the tga! That's where you have been! :)
