The other day, Gloria was looking out the dining room window. She saw something that surprised her. A snake in the bush just on the other side of the window.
She showed it to me, and I identified it as an anaconda. I identify most snakes as anacondas. You know; the ones you want to stay away from. I estimated this visitor to be over 4 feet long.
Actually, it appeared to be a black snake which I confirmed with a search on the computer. Black snakes can grow up to 6 feet. They eat all sorts of small animals such as mice, chipmunks, frogs, moles, etc. So, that makes them something of an asset around the house. They are non-aggressive to people; attacking only when provoked. Believe me; I do not provoke snakes. Also, non-poisonous.
Our "buddy" eventually moved on, and we haven't seen him since.
Now in reality, I don't mind snakes, if they are on the ground. But when they get up above me, it give me the jitters.
That snake is just ridiculous. How does a snake get that big!! You need a hawk around. :)