Monday, October 26, 2009

The TRIP - Day 16

June 28

One evening Outside Our Condo

We got up and did most of our packing and went to church "on the beach." It wasn't actually on the beach, but on the out door seating area of a restaurant. However, you could sort of see the beach from the place that we were at.
It was interesting; here was a group of maybe 40 people singing hymns, praying and listening to a sermon, while at the same time people walked by and were oblivious to the worship of the One who created all that they were seeing and enjoying.
Afterward, we had brunch at McDonald's and then went back and layed out on the beach for awhile.
We finished packing, checked out, and went to the airport  for our trip home.


The trip was long and uneventful.
We got back to Indy and said our goodbyes to Larry and Wanda.
We were home; the TRIP was over.


  1. What a fun trip! Next time you should take your favorite youngest daughter. :)

  2. I thought I'd see if you got your feedjit set up... let me know if you need any help with figuring it out. Then you can check up on who is coming to your blog!!!! dunt dunt duuuunnn.
